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Guilford College logo Guilford Undergraduate Symposium

Getting started

If you have an idea for a project or are already working on a project you'd like to present at the Guilford Undergraduate Symposium, you've already made a great start. If you'd like to present but are having trouble deciding on a topic, contact your academic advisor and/or your major department chair (or your favorite instructor) to discuss possible topics. You can also feel free to contact us and we will talk through the research process with you.

In discussions with your advisors, you should think about the following:

Different types of presentations

Research ethics

All researchers have an obligation to conduct research ethically. To that end, there are four common values associated with the responsible conduct of research (Steneck, 2007, p. 3): If your research involves human beings or animals, you will need to get clearance from the Institutional Review Board. Please contact Aleks Babić (babica [at] for more information.

Guilford College | 5800 West Friendly Avenue, Greensboro, N.C., 27410