Thank you to all who participated in GUS 2023 and made it a rousing success!If you are interested in presenting at GUS 2024, please fill out the abstract submission form by 11 March 2024. Please keep in mind that all applications will need the following information:
- The name of the primary presenter and all other presenters (if applicable)
- The academic discipline in which the project is housed
- The title of the presentation
- The name of the faculty mentor/sponsor (usually these are the same person)
- An abstract that is no more than 1,500 characters long
- An indication of the kind of physical space you will need to present in person or an indication that you would prefer to present via Zoom (please note that Zoom presenters are still held to the same standards of dress and preparation; you must also send the committee a copy of your presentation just in case there are technological issues)
If you have any questions, please contact us at gus [at] ASAP.